Workplace culture

The Simple Workplace Formula: Health = Wealth

The Simple Workplace Formula: Health = Wealth

The global pandemic has accelerated the future of work in real-time.
With so much uncertainty, between the enforced restrictions, self-isolation, working from home and even reduced working hours for employees. Organisations have had to adjust their policies, operations and procedures to navigate their staff around the new ways of working.

Written by Rebecca Kingsford

Published by Thrive Global

Achieving work-life balance and harmony

Achieving work-life balance and harmony

Rebecca Kingsford, CEO of Australian recruitment consultancy Create Careers, talks about her journey to achieve work-life balance and harmony. Stressing the importance of aligning personal values with career values. She believes the concept of work-life integration is better than the traditional work-life balance approach as it allows individuals the flexibility to prioritize aspects of their lives. Kingsford also highlights the importance of learning from one's mistakes and making choices to align one's life goals to achieve harmony.

Written by Menios Constantinou

Work Talk: Hake a break, have a Kit Kat OR fitness routine!

Work Talk: Hake a break, have a Kit Kat OR fitness routine!

Movement is great for the soul and for business productivity. It is a Win-Win! As humans we are not designed to sit or stand (depending upon your preference) at a desk all day, behind computer screens. Taking breaks to exercise and get some movement outside in nature, whether that be going for a walk, run, yoga flow or weighted exercise, has truly made a positive difference for myself mentally, physically and when focusing on business productivity.

Written by Rebecca Kingsford

Published by Thrive Global

Small Ways Workplaces Can Prioritise Employee Well-being

Small Ways Workplaces Can Prioritise Employee Well-being

So much of the conversation around navigating the future of work focuses on things like physical safety and maintaining productivity. But what is equally essential is focusing on the human layer and prioritising employee well-being.

Written by Marina Khidekel (Head of Content Development) at Thrive Global featuring Rebecca Kingsford’s insight.

Published by Thrive Global